A Fun 10 minute Ab Workout - the Stability Ball
The Stability Ball is a popular and very useful exercise tool. Its great for giving your whole body a workout, but especially helpful for getting that killer six pack you've always wanted. Its easy to use and inexpensive, plus you can even deflate it and take it on holiday with you. I know a couple of my friends in modeling who take it on trips, so they don't fall behind with their exercise goals while they're away!
Why does the stability ball work so well? It increases the intensity of your workout by targeting core muscles, but without straining your lower back. Do this ab workout every second day and you should start to feel the difference within a month.
Here's a 3 step exercise plan for your new stability ball!
Exercise #1: The Plank
- Start by clasping your hands together and placing your elbows on top of the Stability Ball.
- Extend your body in a straight line from shoulders to toes. Keep your abs contracted.
- Hold this position for 10 seconds at first, then try to work yourself up to 30 seconds.
- Repeat 2 times.
Exercise #2: Crunches
- Start in a sitting position on the ball, then walk your body forward until your hips are just off the ball and your back is over the ball. Keep your feet about a shoulder width apart to help you maintain your balance, and place your hands behind your head.
- While keeping your hips and lower body still, crunch forward and lift shoulder blades off the ball.
- Hold at the top for 1 second and slowly lower back down to the starting position.
- Repeat 2 sets of 15.
Exercise #3: Side Crunches
- Start by lying face up with your back on the top of the stability ball, and your feet against a wall or some other object.
- Spread your feet apart and put your hands clasped lightly behind your head.
- Turn your body right or left to a 45 degree angle (no more) in relation to the ball.
- Raise your top elbow straight up towards the ceiling. Keep your elbows away from your body and maintain the 45 degree angle for the duration of the movement.
- Lower slowly and repeat.
- Repeat 2 sets of 15.